Sunday, January 08, 2006

Illustration friday SEA

This is my entry for Illustration Friday's challenge. Your comments are appreciated.

This week, the topic is "sea".
I like this way of drawing, but sometimes I'd prefer more than only one word. I think the one-word formula makes me draw very simple and concise illos. But in this case....the SEA deserves it.

La verdad es que a veces es un poco rollo que el tema sea siempre "sólo-una-palabra"... Me dejo llevar y casi siempre me limito a hacer cosas muy sencillitas y ajustadas al tema, sin desvariar demasiado.
Aunque en este caso, con el MAR de fondo, parece que está más que justificado.


Anonymous said...

Your illustration this week is wonderful! So serene, could sink into it forever :)

carla said...

The simplicity of the composition alowa us to focus on those gorgeous colors and textures...I love the rflection of the sail. This creates a peaceful mood.

milo said...

just beautiful, peaceful...

gudbrandsdottir said...

This is soo deep! Great picture, so peaceful and lovely!

Mick said...

A bit of a departure from your other recent work and I adore this piece! As anonymous said, and I agree, I "could sink into it forever."

Queen Tut said...

Wonderful and dreamy. Think your flavour illo is great as well!

Twisselman said...

Wonderful textures and colors. Beautiful composition.

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...


Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

thanks 4 all the support it's appreciated

al! said...

Es muy bonito, y PARECE sencillo ;-)...Algún día me tienes que explicar como c*** haces esas texturas. En este has empleado un filtro de semitono? Ummm... lo averiguaré! XD

Chuang Shyue Chou said...


Unknown said...

beautiful painting!

Liz Jones said...

Beautiful illo!

Gerald de Dios said...

Just love your Illustration Friday submissions...this so simplistic, but fantasitico!

Alex said...

pues si los filtros de photoshoot los carga el diablo tú debes conocerle de cerca porque te han quedado de miedo, la ambientación y las texturas que has conseguido en el agua, y especialmente, en el cielo son de quitar el hipo. El concepto me gusta menos, me parece más tópico, pero la resolución me encanta.

kcirbuk said...

Me encanta esta ilustración.

Anonymous said...

Me encanta tambien how with a few elements you have obtained a great effect! Muito bom, Rubio!


Anonymous said...

Very nice site! » »

Nathan Lindsay said...

this is beautiful. I love the texture in the sky and water against that solid triangle sail. Lovely.