Thursday, October 20, 2005

You freak!

This is my new entry for Eurovision Art Challenge, this time the topic is "Freaks".
I've drawn the typical 30's fair, with wagons full of classic freaks.
I saw the film and take a lot of references on Tod Browning's Freaks, but finally did my own freak. Some Kind of big Pigheaded (cabezón). Big head, baby body, and a cute tail.
If you notice inside the wagon, you can see its delicate furniture! Yes, He's a cool fashioned freak.
Look at those other guys in front of the window pane....Who's really the freak?

Wiki Friki (in Spanish)
Wiki Freaks


Cara Carmina said...

aaaa Sr. Goma... me parece sensasional lo de llamarlo cabezon, le hace ud. un favor he? jejeeje... las expresiones de los que lo miran son fabulosas!


milanrubio said...

Gracias Pájara...
En españa hay un pueblo (por el sur, creo) que se llama "Cabezón de la sal") Quién le iba a decir al director de la peli clásica, que una palabra como Freak iba a ser tan popular en el sXXI...

Rowantree said...

Buena ilustración,la ambientación realmente tiene el estilo de los 30's. Aprovecho para agendarme el link de Eurovision Art Challenge, que no lo conocía.

Saludos pa los madriles.

Anonymous said...

How funny! This is great. :) Yes, I noticed that this cabezón has stylish interior decor happening in his wagon. The tail is perfect, so is the "thought balloon". Who are the freaks, really, eh?

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Heheheh. Neat! Your technical ability is awesome. May I know if you have been published?

You are a working professional, right?