- Oculto, secreto.
- Realizado en privado por temor a un poder externo.
- Done or kept in secret, sometimes to conceal an illicit or improper purpose.
- A person or lodge not recognized as a regular member.
Illustration, animation, story-board, colour, painting, drawing, sketch, doodle, flash and more.
Art for Autism!
This is my illustration for the Artism project book which will feature work by a selection of artists including Ben the illustrator, Rubenslp, Onesidezero, Jon Burgerman and Mr.Jago.
Artism is an independent organisation aiming to create a book bursting with artists/graphic designers work which will be sold to raise money for the National Autistic Society charity through the use of Art. We will gladly accept any donation of services or money. All proceeds go to The National Autistic Society,
Check out the Artism website.