This is my entry for Illustration Friday's challenge. Your comments are appreciated.
Hello, this is my classic-ol'-time-vintage version of the week. A homage to the clasic UPA cartoons.
I reccommend you the fantastic and very inspirational Blog:Cartoon Modern
in his own words:"The official blog for CARTOON MODERN: STYLE AND DESIGN IN FIFTIES ANIMATION, a snazzy new coffeetable book from Chronicle Books that'll be out in June 2006." You can pre-order it (I'll do it!) in Amazon.
Esta semana toca ejercicio de estilo, y tiramos por lo clásico, homenajeando a los clásicos ultrasimplistas de la UPA. Os recomiendo el interesantísimo Cartoon Modern un blog sobre un nuevo libro de animación y diseño en los 50, con una pinta increíble...que saldrá en junio del 2006. Ya podéis reservarlo en Amazon.
Other great link: